Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><DIV><P><SPAN>This layer contains DNR owned or managed roads in the NHAL State Forests that are open for ATV/UTV use. These features are used for mapping related to the 2017 NHAL amendment and subsequent variances.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: WDNR Division of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Land Management System
Name: Existing ATV/UTV Routes on Local and County Road
Display Field: FEATURE_NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: This layer contains existing ATV/UTV routes on local and county roads.
These features are used for mapping related to the 2017 NHAL amendment and subsequent variances.
Copyright Text: WDNR Bureau of Facilities and Lands
Description: This layer contains existing ATV/UTV routes on local and county roads.
These features are used for mapping related to the 2017 NHAL amendment and subsequent variances.
Copyright Text: WDNR Bureau of Facilities and Lands
Description: This layer contains existing ATV/UTV routes on local and county roads.
These features are used for mapping related to the 2017 NHAL amendment and subsequent variances.
Copyright Text: WDNR Bureau of Facilities and Lands
Description: This layer contains proposed and planned ATV/UTV routes on DNR roads.
These features are used for mapping related to the 2017 NHAL amendment and subsequent variances.
Copyright Text: WDNR Bureau of Facilities and Lands
Description: This layer contains proposed and planned ATV/UTV routes on DNR roads.
These features are used for mapping related to the 2017 NHAL amendment and subsequent variances.
Copyright Text: WDNR Bureau of Facilities and Lands