Description: This polygon feature class represents boundaries of the 72 counties in Wisconsin. The data is derived from 1:24,000-scale sources. This feature class was last updated in June 2015; refer to the Data Lineage section of the ArcGIS metadata for information about the nature of the update. For more information, contact the WI DNR Bureau of Technology Services.
Copyright Text: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Description: A Dispatch Group is a collection of Fire Response Units, or ranger stations that are directed by a single Area Forestry Leader, and dispatched out of a common location. IFFRS DG’s merges Cooperative, USFS Areas and Military Installations into DNR DGs in order to assign a DG code within IFFRS reports. In those locations, the DG boundary does not represent official fire responsibility. This layer also extends .5 mile into Lake Superior and Lake Michigan to capture county and DG information for fires that may occur on shifting shorelines or islands not accurately represented in the base county 24K data.
This layer is not visible in the IFFRS service and is used for querying information.