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accessInformation: WI Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Water
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: The waters displayed in this dataset reflect waters where muskellunge populations are known to occur. The waters are differentiated by reproductive status. Natural reproduction in muskellunge waters is categorized based on the level of natural production of muskellunge and the extent to which muskellunge waters are stocked. This category is important to the fishery biologist when considering management options for waters in their area. Obviously, having all waters self-sustaining by natural reproduction would be an ideal situation, yet stocking is often required to either supplement natural populations or to sustain a fishery. Categories for natural reproduction are based on the following criteria: Category 1 - The population is self-sustaining through natural reproduction. No stocking occurs. Category 2 - The population has some natural reproduction, however some stocking occurs to supplement natural recruitment. Category 3 - The population has no known natural reproduction of muskellunge. Stocking of muskellunge is required for maintenance of a population. Category 4 - The population has no known natural reproduction of muskellunge. Stocking of Hybrid muskellunge occurs. A hybrid muskellunge is a cross between a muskellunge and a northern pike, often called a "tiger musky." Category 0 - Reproductive status is unknown, stocking generally occurs. Roughly half of the 711 musky waters in Wisconsin are Class A waters, while the remaining half are split almost equally between Class B and C waters. About Seventy-seven percent of the musky waters in Wisconsin are sustained through natural reproduction. Some stocking is carried out in about 180 of Wisconsin's musky waters. For more information, please contact Tim Simonson, 608.266.5222.
title: Musky Streams
tags: []
culture: en-US
minScale: 0