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snippet: Displays Designated Waters layers mandated by 2004 Act 118 and modified by 2016 Act 387 for expedited waterway permitting.
summary: Displays Designated Waters layers mandated by 2004 Act 118 and modified by 2016 Act 387 for expedited waterway permitting.
extent: [[-92.9784100301698,42.3925231688921],[-85.891734490436,47.2941752019624]]
accessInformation: Waterway Protection Section, WDNR
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Designated Waters consist of Priority Navigable Waterways, and subsets called Areas of Special Natural Resources Interest (ASNRI) and Public Rights Features. Symbology follows these three categories - PRF = brown, ASNRI = orange, other PNW = yellow.
title: Designated Waters
type: Map Service
tags: ["permits","waterway","ASNRI","PRF","PNW"]
culture: en-US
name: WT_Designated_Waters_WTM_Ext
guid: 1B10A0AA-25E2-4AB6-A469-9D272E73A9AF
spatialReference: NAD_1983_HARN_Wisconsin_TM