Landtype Associations (0)
Original Vegetation Cover (1)
| 0 - Water |
| 1 - White spruce, balsam fir, tamarack, white cedar, white birch, aspen |
| 2 - Beech, hemlock, sugar maple, yellow birch, white pine, red pine |
| 3 - Hemlock, sugar maple, yellow birch, white pine, red pine |
| 4 - Sugar maple, yellow birch, white pine, red pine |
| 5 - White pine, red pine |
| 6 - Jack pine, scrub (hill's), oak forest and barrens |
| 7 - Aspen, white birch, pine |
| 8 - Beech, sugar maple, basswood, red oak, white oak, black oak |
| 9 - Sugar maple, basswood, red oak, white oak, black oak |
| 10 - White oak, black oak, bur oak |
| 11 - Oak openings bur oak, white oak, black oak |
| 12 - Prairie |
| 13 - Brush |
| 14 - Swamp Conifers |
| 15 - Lowland Hardwoods |
| 16 - Marsh and sedge meadow, wet prairie, lowland shrubs |
| Area with vegetation cover type not interpreted on the source map |
| <all other values> |
Omernik Ecoregion (2)
| |
| Blue Hills |
| Brule and Paint Rive Drumlins |
| Central Sand Ridges |
| Central Wisconsin Undulating Till Plain |
| Chequamegon Moraines and Outwash Plain |
| Chippewa Lobe Rocky Ground Moraines |
| Chiwaukee Prairie Region |
| Coulee Section |
| Door Peninsula |
| Glacial Lake Wisconsin Sand Plain |
| Green Bay Till and Lacustrine Plain |
| Kettle Moraines |
| Lake Michigan Lacustrine Clay Plain |
| Lake Superior Clay Plain |
| Menominee Ground Moraine |
| Minnesota/Wisconsin Upland Till Plain |
| Northern Highlands Lakes Country |
| Ontonagon Lobe Moraines and Gogebic Iron R |
| Perkinstown End Moraines |
| Prairie Pothole Region |
| Rock River Drift Plain |
| Savanna Section |
| Southeastern Wisconsin Savannah and Till P |
| St. Croix Pine Barrens |
| St. Croix Stagnation Moraines |
| Upper Wolf River Stagnation Moraine |
| Wisconsin/Michigan Pine Barrens |
| <all other values> |
Ecological Landscapes (3)
| Central Lake Michigan Coastal |
| Central Sand Hills |
| Central Sand Plains |
| Forest Transition |
| North Central Forest |
| Northeast Sands |
| Northern Highland |
| Northern Lake Michigan Coastal |
| Northwest Lowlands |
| Northwest Sands |
| Southeast Glacial Plains |
| Southern Lake Michigan Coastal |
| Southwest Savanna |
| Superior Coastal Plain |
| Western Coulees and Ridges |
| Western Prairie |
| <all other values> |