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Service Description: This map service shows the closed areas and game refuges in administrative code NR 10, NR 11, NR 29, and NR 45. Please refer to the RESTRICTIONS field for the specific details of the closure, and the EXCEPTIONS field for supplementary guidance. Please note that DNR State Park and State Trail property boundaries are displayed. To view closed and restrict areas with DNR state parks and trails, please refer the PDF map link in PROP_URL field. Beyond this map service, please refer to for DNR easements that are closed to hunting, but accessible for other activities, such as hiking. The department web mapping applications contain the most current information about DNR properties and private lands under DNR management with public access for hunting and recreational activities. Please be aware that 3rd party web mapping applications (e.g., Google Maps, commercial mapping companies, etc.) may display erroneous boundaries of these properties. To ensure that you can reach your intended area and avoid trespassing, use DNR web mapping applications to plan your outing. Confirm the ownership of non-DNR public land (e.g., municipal, county, federal), tribal land and private land through other means, and recognize that on-ground postings and property boundary signs override property boundaries shown in DNR and 3rd party web mapping applications and should be respected.
Map Name: EN Closed Restricted Areas
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
Dynamic All Layers
Description: This map service shows the closed areas and game refuges in administrative code NR 10, NR 11, NR 29, and NR 45. Please refer to the RESTRICTIONS field for the specific details of the closure, and the EXCEPTIONS field for supplementary guidance. Please note that DNR State Park and State Trail property boundaries are displayed. To view closed and restrict areas with DNR state parks and trails, please refer the PDF map link in PROP_URL field. Beyond this map service, please refer to for DNR easements that are closed to hunting, but accessible for other activities, such as hiking. The department web mapping applications contain the most current information about DNR properties and private lands under DNR management with public access for hunting and recreational activities. Please be aware that 3rd party web mapping applications (e.g., Google Maps, commercial mapping companies, etc.) may display erroneous boundaries of these properties. To ensure that you can reach your intended area and avoid trespassing, use DNR web mapping applications to plan your outing. Confirm the ownership of non-DNR public land (e.g., municipal, county, federal), tribal land and private land through other means, and recognize that on-ground postings and property boundary signs override property boundaries shown in DNR and 3rd party web mapping applications and should be respected.
Copyright Text: WI DNR
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 641368.0441021997
YMin: 265817.76306868135
XMax: 644799.3341452818
YMax: 268397.4557280666
Spatial Reference: 3071
Full Extent:
XMin: 296114.528
YMin: 225871.1384
XMax: 770036.3715
YMax: 734398.4376
Spatial Reference: 3071
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Closed and Restricted Areas of Wisconsin
Comments: This map service shows the closed areas and game refuges in administrative code NR 10, NR 11, NR 29, and NR 45. Please refer to the RESTRICTIONS field for the specific details of the closure, and the EXCEPTIONS field for supplementary guidance. Please note that DNR State Park and State Trail property boundaries are displayed. To view closed and restrict areas with DNR state parks and trails, please refer the PDF map link in PROP_URL field. Beyond this map service, please refer to for DNR easements that are closed to hunting, but accessible for other activities, such as hiking. The department web mapping applications contain the most current information about DNR properties and private lands under DNR management with public access for hunting and recreational activities. Please be aware that 3rd party web mapping applications (e.g., Google Maps, commercial mapping companies, etc.) may display erroneous boundaries of these properties. To ensure that you can reach your intended area and avoid trespassing, use DNR web mapping applications to plan your outing. Confirm the ownership of non-DNR public land (e.g., municipal, county, federal), tribal land and private land through other means, and recognize that on-ground postings and property boundary signs override property boundaries shown in DNR and 3rd party web mapping applications and should be respected.
Subject: Closed and Restrictged Areas of Wisconsin
Keywords: WDNR
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 500000
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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