Description: The portion of this data obtained from GLIFWC includes Ojibwe Tribal lands created from TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2010, 2010 nation, U.S., 2010 Census Tribal Census Tract National data. Data from Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin was retained and dissolved based on Census Tribal code. Census data from Mille Lacs Band's reservation lands around Lake Mille Lacs were removed and were replaced with a polygon from Mille Lacs showing the polygon including a portion of the lake. The portion of this data obtained from the Ho-Chunk Nation includes all Ho-Chunk Land as recognized by the Ho-Chunk Nation.
Copyright Text: Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, Ho-Chunk Nation.
For more information about the GLIFWC data, contact:
Dara Olson
ANA GIS Specialist
P.O. Box 9
72682 Maple Street
Odanah, WI 54806 USA
715-682-6619 For more information about the Ho-Chunk Nation data, contact:
Gordon Robertson GISP
GIS Coordinator
Ho-Chunk Nation Division of Natural Resources
Dept of Heritage Preservation
W9814 Airport Rd, Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-2852 ext 1284
Description: These boundaries are simplified from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Real Estate Interest data layer containing polygons representing tracts of land (parcels) in which the Service has a property interest. The Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge has been omitted. Interior boundaries between parcels were dissolved to produce a single set of simplified external boundaries for each feature. These are resource grade mapping representations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service boundaries. For legal descriptions of the land represented here contact the USFWS Realty Office. This map layer was compiled by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Although these boundaries represent lands administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, not all areas are open to the public. Some fragile habitats need to be protected from human traffic and some management areas are closed. The public is urged to contact specific Refuges or other conservation areas before visiting.
Copyright Text: WI DNR; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Description: This version of US Forest Service "Basic Ownership" data for the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CNNF) was obtained from CNNF staff on November 13, 2012. Ownership boundaries reflect USFS updates from May, 2012. Basic Ownership delineates Forest Service lands from non-Forest Service lands but contains no additional attributes. Contact the USFS CNNF office for more detailed information on Forest Service lands. USFS CNNF GIS Contacts:Deborah Veen, GIS Specialist,Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Rhinelander, WI, (715) 362-1352Marcus Sadak, GIS Coordinator, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, 500 Hanson Lake Rd., Rhinelander, WI 54501, (715) 362-1356
Copyright Text: USDA Forest Service, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest
Description: National Park Service Lands in Wisconsin, last updated in 2013. For more information, see:
Copyright Text: National Parks Service - Land Resources Division
Description: This dataset is an extract of the full PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 for Wisconsin. For more information about this dataset, and to download the full US dataset, please go to: PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 is a national database of protected fee lands in the United States. PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 has been redesigned to be used along with the National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) ( , to visualize the entire terrestrial conservation estate of the United States. PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 is limited to the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. It does not include protected areas data for U.S. territories at this time.
Protected areas are cornerstones of national and international conservation strategies. By way of these designations, lands and waters are set aside in-perpetuity to preserve functioning natural ecosystems, act as refuges for species, and maintain ecological processes. Complementary conservation strategies preserve land for the sustainable use of natural resources, or for the protection of significant geologic and cultural features or open space. The PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 data set portrays the nation's protected areas with standardized spatial geometry and numerous valuable attributes on land ownership, management designations, and conservation status (using national GAP and international IUCN coding systems). The PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 defines protected area to include all fee lands dedicated to the preservation of biology diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses, and managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means (adapted from IUCN definition). The database represents the full range of fee conservation designations that preserve these natural resources in the United States. Our database does not distinguish a protection threshold above which biodiversity is considered secure. Instead, a complete suite of protected area attributes are provided for each polygon with the purpose of giving users the information they need to define the most relevant conservation thresholds for their own objectives and requirements. Collaborating with the nation's leading data providers, the goal is to provide an annual update.
Copyright Text: See PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 Data Source table. This information and more can be accessed at:
Description: This dataset is an extract of the full PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 for Wisconsin. For more information about this dataset, and to download the full US dataset, please go to: PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 is a national database of protected fee lands in the United States. PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 has been redesigned to be used along with the National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) ( , to visualize the entire terrestrial conservation estate of the United States. PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 is limited to the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. It does not include protected areas data for U.S. territories at this time.
Protected areas are cornerstones of national and international conservation strategies. By way of these designations, lands and waters are set aside in-perpetuity to preserve functioning natural ecosystems, act as refuges for species, and maintain ecological processes. Complementary conservation strategies preserve land for the sustainable use of natural resources, or for the protection of significant geologic and cultural features or open space. The PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 data set portrays the nation's protected areas with standardized spatial geometry and numerous valuable attributes on land ownership, management designations, and conservation status (using national GAP and international IUCN coding systems). The PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 defines protected area to include all fee lands dedicated to the preservation of biology diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses, and managed for these purposes through legal or other effective means (adapted from IUCN definition). The database represents the full range of fee conservation designations that preserve these natural resources in the United States. Our database does not distinguish a protection threshold above which biodiversity is considered secure. Instead, a complete suite of protected area attributes are provided for each polygon with the purpose of giving users the information they need to define the most relevant conservation thresholds for their own objectives and requirements. Collaborating with the nation's leading data providers, the goal is to provide an annual update.
Copyright Text: See PAD-US (CBI Edition) Version 2 Data Source table. This information and more can be accessed at:
Description: The Wisconsin Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL), as the oldest state agency, has been managing forest lands since the State's inception. As part of that management it has built and maintained a database of it's current holdings, approximately 75,000 acres, throughout the State. This dataset uses a scale factor of .999600, with a resolution of 1 meter. It uses a WTM83/91 projected coordinate system.
Copyright Text: Wisconsin Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
Description: The national conservation easement geospatial dataset is an aggregate layer of conservation easements used by NRCS to identify, monitor, and enhance the spatial accuracy of restoration program polygons. The dataset represents locations where voluntary, legally binding agreements between landowners and the USDA exist. These agreements limit certain types of uses or prevent development from taking place on a piece of property now and in the future, to protect the property's ecological or open-space agricultural values. These data are prepared for use by the Natural Resources Conservation Service for USDA Service Center personnel to administer agency programs. The Agricultural Act of 2014 established the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) and repealed the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) and Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), combining the purposes of FRPP and Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) into the new Agricultural Land Easement (ALE) Program. Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE, formerly WRP), are managed under the ACEP as well. The Agricultural Act of 2014 did not affect the validity or terms of any agreement or easement entered into prior to the date of enactment on February 7, 2014 or any associated payments required to be made in connection with an existing agreement or easement. NOTE: All of these easements are closed to public access. DNR staff obtained this data from NRCS in November, 2016. For more information about ACEP, visit the Natural Resources Conservation Service Easements page
This data set is not designed for use as a primary regulatory tool in permitting or citing decisions, but may be used as a reference source. This is public information and may be interpreted by organizations, agencies, units of government, or others based on needs; however, they are responsible for the appropriate application. Easements are made available for the sole purpose of providing supplemental spatial information. The digital easement layer is not a legal representation. Federal, State, or local regulatory bodies are not to reassign to the Service Center Agencies any authority for the decisions that they make. The Service Center Agencies will not perform any evaluations of these data for purposes related solely to State or local regulatory programs. Photographic or digital enlargement of these data to scales greater than at which they were originally mapped can cause misinterpretation of the data.
Copyright Text: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Service Center Agencies