{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The intent of defining Hydrologic Units (HU) within the Watershed Boundary Dataset is to establish a base-line drainage boundary framework, accounting for all land and surface areas. Hydrologic units are intended to be used as a tool for water-resource management and planning activities particularly for site-specific and localized studies requiring a level of detail provided by large-scale map information. The WBD complements the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and supports numerous programmatic missions and activities including: watershed management, rehabilitation and enhancement, aquatic species conservation strategies, flood plain management and flood prevention, water-quality initiatives and programs, dam safety programs, fire assessment and management, resource inventory and assessment, water data analysis and water census.", "description": "

The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a comprehensive aggregated collection of hydrologic unit data consistent with the national criteria for delineation and resolution. It defines the areal extent of surface water drainage to a point except in coastal or lake front areas where there could be multiple outlets as stated by the \"Federal Standards and Procedures for the National Watershed Boundary <\/SPAN>Dataset (WBD)\" \u201cStandard\u201d (<\/SPAN><\/SPAN>https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/tm11A34<\/SPAN><\/A>). Watershed boundaries are determined solely upon science-based hydrologic principles, not favoring any administrative boundaries or special projects, nor particular program or agency. This dataset represents the hydrologic unit boundaries to the 8-digit level for all HUs coded as being entirely or partially contained in Wisconsin.<\/SPAN><\/P>


At a minimum, the HUs are delineated at 1:24,000-scale in the conterminous United States, meeting the National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS). Higher resolution boundaries are being developed where partners and data exist and will be incorporated back into the WBD. WBD data are delivered as a dataset of polygons and corresponding lines that define the boundary of the polygon. WBD polygon attributes include hydrologic unit codes (HUC), size (in the form of acres and square kilometers), name, downstream hydrologic unit code, type of watershed, non-contributing areas, and flow modifications. The HUC describes where the unit is in the country and the level of the unit. WBD line attributes contain the highest level of hydrologic unit for each boundary, line source information and flow modifications. <\/SPAN><\/P>


Staff in the WI DNR GIS Section downloaded the National WBD from the USGS National Map Staged Products Directory on April 13th, 2023: <\/SPAN>https://prd-tnm.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html?prefix=StagedProducts/Hydrography/WBD/National/GDB/<\/SPAN><\/A>. The USGS National WBD metadata indicates a Publication Date of 03-28-2023. WI DNR staff extracted all HUs entirely or partially contained in Wisconsin, using information in the WBD \"STATES\" attribute. The data were then projected to the Wisconsin Transverse Mercator coordinate referencing system (WKID 3071). This feature class includes a subset of the original WBD attribute data. For information about the complete set of available WBD attributes, refer to the NATIONAL_WBD_GDB.xml metadata file on the USGS National Map Staged Products Directory. <\/SPAN><\/P>


*Versions of the HUC8s after 2020 do not include islands in the great lakes. <\/SPAN>The USGS WBD team in collaboration with other state, federal and international partners reviewed how the WBD was delineated in the Great Lake region in support of NHDPlus HR production and decided that each lake would be broken out as its own 8-digit HU and that all islands within the lake would be included in that lake's HU8 instead of being broken out into their own HU8s.<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "The intent of defining Hydrologic Units (HU) within the Watershed Boundary Dataset is to establish a base-line drainage boundary framework, accounting for all land and surface areas. Hydrologic units are intended to be used as a tool for water-resource management and planning activities particularly for site-specific and localized studies requiring a level of detail provided by large-scale map information. The WBD complements the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and supports numerous programmatic missions and activities including: watershed management, rehabilitation and enhancement, aquatic species conservation strategies, flood plain management and flood prevention, water-quality initiatives and programs, dam safety programs, fire assessment and management, resource inventory and assessment, water data analysis and water census.", "title": "SDEDNR.EN_WBD_HUC8_AR_VAR", "tags": [ "Sub-basin", "Hydrologic Unit Code", "Sub-region", "US", "8-digit", "WBD", "Region", "Watershed Boundary Dataset", "HUC", "United States", "inlandWaters", "Watershed", "Subwatershed", "Hydrologic Units", "Basin" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Funding for the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) was provided by the USDA-NRCS, USGS and EPA along with other federal, state and local agencies. Representatives from many agencies contributed a substantial amount of time and salary towards quality review and updating of the dataset in order to meet the WBD Standards. Acknowledgment of the originating agencies would be appreciated in products derived from these data. See dataset specific metadata for further information.", "licenseInfo": "" }