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snippet: Replica of cached map service EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext published as a dynamic service with display scales of 1:3,000 and in. To be used in conjunction with cached service EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext which is only cached to L15 or 1:3,690 to prov
summary: Replica of cached map service EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext published as a dynamic service with display scales of 1:3,000 and in. To be used in conjunction with cached service EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext which is only cached to L15 or 1:3,690 to prov
extent: [[-97.4602805049284,36.8768006652827],[-81.512303183406,49.4853294397214]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Replica of cached map service EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext published as a dynamic service with display scales of 1:3,000 and in. To be used in conjunction with cached service EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext which is only cached to L15 or 1:3,690 to provide images at larger scales. Dynamic service visible from 1:3K in.
title: EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext_Dynamic_L16
type: Map Service
tags: []
culture: en-US
name: EN_Detailed_Basemap_WTM_Ext_Dynamic_L16
guid: C15A8C76-396A-4667-A819-30C42D2627BA
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_HARN_Wisconsin_TM